Sunday, February 1, 2009

Weekend Update

So I realize I have been a bit MIA from the blog world for a few months now, but I do have an excuse. I got married!!! So me and my new WIFE have been a bit busy for a while now, but now after being able to come home and actually just relax with my WIFE, and after many requests and much anticipation, I've decided to give the blog another go, so here's the update...




Seeing as how we just got married 2 weeks ago, and a week of that was spent on our Honeymoon in Costa Rica (more on that later) this Friday was our first Friday night as a married couple. So what do we do with it? We could have had a super nice date, just us and something special, we could have seen a movie to just escape for a bit, we could have rented a movie and snuggled up on the couch and had popcorn. All of that sounds like normal first newlywed Friday nights right? Aparently we're on the express train to oldywedville because we did none of that. We actually had 'big' plans to go shopping at Bed, Bath, and Beyond, but then as the evening got later and later (around 6:30) we decided we really didn't want to leave the house. So we decided we would watch some TV together and eat in. So we did that watched 2 TV shows and we both thought it was late and time to get in bed (AT 9:00!). So Dani got in bed, grabbed her book, and I opened up my newly purchased dresser and proceeded to organize my sock and t-shirt drawers. We were both out by 10. so as relaxing as it was, hopefully we'll have some more exciting Friday nights to share with you in future updates...


I had to be on call and do some work so we had to stick close to the house over the weekend, but Dani and I got up and did some major cleaning on the beachhouse and cleared out a ton of boxes and trash that had accumulated from wedding presents and such. So it was good to actually see the house start looking like we live here and don't stockpile cardboard in case of a global shortage. Then Scott and Amy came down to have some lunch and hang out. We grilled some of the biggest and best homeade bugers (from Costco of course) on our new grill that I got just before the wedding! They were delicious, and then after dinner we got to take a nice walk down to the pier, where Scott found some delicious baitfood and went all Gollum on it. Then Dani and I hit up the Saturday night service at Mariner's, great as always. Afterward, Dani and I hit up a housewarming party with all of her ex-work peeps, who were able to commiserate the woes of unemployment together.


Another quiet morning spent working, while Dani was away at the Flea Market with Holli, but midday Dani and I got to go lay on the beach for a while and soak up a few rays desperately trying to keep our Costa Rican tans alive. Then it was off to our fiance-lovin', Jesus-freakin, football-fanatic friend Rocky's house for the SuperBowl, great times, and great to catch up with all of our friends that we had seen little of lately. Then about 30 seconds after the game was over Dani and I, and the only other married couple there, Phil and Kirsten, were out of there and on our way home... hmmm... sensing a trend... and I like it, just together time, with me and my WIFE!


Can't wait to share the many wedded adventures of me and my WIFE to come with you!


dc said...

I like how you yell "WIFE". Every. Time.

But I'm so glad you're back in the blog world to tell of our married adventures! HUSBAND! :)

Ashley N said...

Woohoo! Glad you're back :) Tell the WIFE hello.

dc said...

I want to hear more about our adventures! Love, WIFE